A Liturgy for the Smoking of Fine Tobacco

Sovereign God, we acknowledge that you alone 
are the giver of every good gift
and grantor of all lawful pleasures.

With full conviction that the fittest response to any gift 
is wholehearted delight in both the gift and its Giver, 
     we take pleasure in that which is pleasurable,
     we find joy in that which is enjoyable,
     we delight in that which is delightful.

We give thanks, O Lord, for this, your gift of fine tobacco,
for the rains, sun and soil that bring forth such plants
to gladden the hearts of man.

For the hands that harvested, dried and cured it;
for the farmers and craftsmen and artisans
     who took the raw goods of your creation
     and joined in your creative work to fill the world
     with things new and beautiful and pleasurable;
for the men and women who form the global chain 
     of production and supply that leads to our homes;
for each of these we give you thanks 
     and ask your particular blessing in their lives.

May the flame of this match bring to mind
the consuming fire of your wrath poured out on sinners,
the column of fire by which you led your people out of slavery,
the refiner’s fire in which you purify us,
the tongues of fire at Pentecost
     with which your Spirit rested on your children
     and made your home among us.

As this smoke rises, so too may our prayers rise to you
in thankfulness for your unutterable goodness
     that you would create a world 
     to hold such pleasures as this;
in petition for your continued care and provision;
in praise of your infinite worth,
     your selfless condescension,
     your saving grace.


As this smoke rises, so too may our worship rise,
a sweet-smelling aroma, 
pleasing to you.


     May my solitude bring glory to you.
     Keep my thoughts pure and attentive
     to things commendable and worthy of praise.

     In my reading, may I be edified and enlightened.
     In my meditation, may I be renewed and transformed.
     In my praying, may you be honored above all.


     May our conversation be marked by love,
     that each of us might benefit the other
     and bring glory to you.

     In our laughter, may we be unbridled.
     In our sorrows, may we lift each other up.
     In our confessions, may we find your forgiveness.

Lord, may the burning of this tobacco 
keep us ever in mind of our own frailty 
and the temporary vapor of our lives,
for we, too, will return to ash
before we rise again to feast
at the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
Let the knowledge of our at-once finite and infinite end
spur us to a life spent in pursuit of Christ,
in the wholehearted worship of you, 
     the thrice-holy and Triune God,
in the love of our neighbor,
and in the joy of your world.

May we smoke, as in all we do, 
to your glory alone, O God,
for the sake of him 
through whom all things were made, 
your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


©2023 Josh Bishop. Free to use, print, or republish with attribution.

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